Golden Retriever Weight

Full Grown Mini Golden Retriever Size, Weight And Growth

As a Mini Golden Retriever owner, understanding the ideal full grown Mini Golden Retriever size and weight is essential for their health and happiness. However, determining the right weight for your furry companion can be challenging, especially considering their smaller size compared to standard Golden Retrievers.

The problem arises when Mini Golden Retrievers are either underweight or overweight, which can lead to various health issues such as joint problems, heart disease, and decreased lifespan. Finding the normal weight i.e 30-45 pounds of mini golden retriever is crucial to ensuring their overall well-being.

The solution lies in closely monitoring your Mini Golden’s weight and size and making necessary adjustments to their diet and exercise routine. By providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary care, you can help your beloved companion maintain a healthy weight, leading to a happier and longer life together.

Importance Of Ideal Weight And Size

Do you know the importance of maintaining an ideal weight for your Mini Golden Retriever? Achieving and maintaining the right weight i.e 30-45 lb’s with 13.5-15.5 inches height is crucial for their overall health and well-being of mini golden retrievers. An ideal weight ensures proper development, reduces the risk of obesity-related health issues, such as joint problems and heart disease, and promotes a longer and happier life for your beloved companion.

Male Mini Golden Retriever Weight & Height By Age

Starting with male Golden Retrievers’ weight and height by age, it’s important to note that these dogs are known for their robust and athletic build. Generally, a male Mini Golden Retriever at 8 weeks old weighs around 10-15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg). By reaching 6 months, their weight can range from 30-50 pounds (13.6-22.7 kg), depending on their genetic predisposition and diet. A male Golden Retriever typically weighs between 55-75 pounds (24.9-34 kg) at one year old. 

Age (months)Weight (lbs)Height(Inches)

Female Mini Golden Retriever Weight & Height By Age

In terms of female Golden Retrievers, their weight and height vary by age. Generally, as puppies, they weigh around 14-16 pounds at 8 weeks old and grow to about 55-65 pounds by the time they are 6 months old. Adults typically weigh 55-75 pounds, with a height of around 21.5-22.5 inches at the shoulder. However, these numbers can vary based on genetics, dietry needs, and exercise levels.

Age (years)Height (inches)Weight (pounds)
0-6 months10-1515-30
6-12 months13-2030-50
1-2 years21-2450-70
2-5 years23-2460-75
6-9 years23-2460-75
10 years and older22-2355-70

At What Age Is A Mini Golden Retriever Fully Grown?

When it comes to the growth and development of a Mini Golden Retriever, it’s important to note that they reach their full adult size at around 18 months to two years of age. However, it’s worth mentioning that while they may have reached their full size, its size is considered 13.5-15.5″.They are still considered adolescents and continue to mature both physically and mentally until they are around three years old. 

During this time, they may still display puppy-like behaviour such as playfulness and curiosity. It’s essential to provide them with proper socialization, training and physical activities as well as care during this critical period to ensure that they grow into well-rounded and well-behaved adult dogs.

How Much Bigger Will My Full Grown Mini Golden Retriever Get?

As a Mini Golden Retriever owner, I can tell you that these lovable dogs typically reach their full size between 1 to 2 years of age. On average, mini Golden Retrievers can weigh between 8-16 pounds and 14-28 inches.

However, each dog is unique, so genetics, diet, and exercise can influence size. Providing proper care and nutrition is essential to ensure your furry friend grows up healthy and happy.

Mini Golden Retriever Weight Chart (Kg)

Age Weight Range (kg)
0-6 months15-30
6-12 months30-50
1-2 years50-70
2-5 years60-75
6-9 years60-75
10 years and older55-70

AgeWeight Range (kg)
Newborn0.3-0.4 kg
2 weeks0.6-0.7 kg
4 weeks1.8-2.3 kg
8 weeks5.9-7.7 kg
12 weeks11.3-15.9 kg
6 months18.1-25.0 kg
1 year27.2-36.3 kg
Adult male (2 years and older)29.5-34.0 kg
Adult female (2 years and older)25.0-32.0 kg

Puppy Growth Stages

growth stages

Do you know puppies go through various growth stages as they develop into adult dogs? These stages are essential for their physical, emotional, and social development. Let’s dive into each stage in detail.

Stage One: Neonatal

The neonatal stage is the first two weeks of a puppy’s life. During this time, mini golden retriever puppies completely depend on their mother for nourishment, warmth, and protection. They open their eyes around 10-14 days and explore their surroundings. The mother dog must provide proper care and ensure the puppies remain clean and warm.

Stage Two: Socialization

From three to twelve weeks, puppies enter the socialization stage. This is a critical period for their development as they learn to interact with other dogs, humans, and their environment. Puppies should be exposed to various stimuli, such as sounds, sights, and textures, to help them become well-adjusted adult dogs. Early socialization can also help prevent behavioural issues later in life.

Stage Three: Juvenile

From three to six months, the juvenile stage is when puppies begin to develop their adult teeth and grow more independent. They may start to exhibit signs of separation anxiety, so it’s essential to provide them with mental and physical stimulation to help them feel secure and content. Training during this stage is crucial, as puppies are more receptive to learning new commands and behaviours.

Stage Four: Sexual Maturity

Puppies reach sexual maturity between six and twelve months, depending on their breed. Female dogs will have their first heat cycle, while male dogs will experience increased libido. Spaying or neutering your puppy during this stage is essential to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of certain health issues.

Stage Five: Adults

Adult dogs are considered fully grown between one and six years, depending on their breed and size. This stage is when they reach their full physical and mental potential. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ongoing training are essential to maintain their health and well-being.

Golden Retriever Weight By Week

If you are wondering about the weight of a Golden Retriever puppy at different stages of its growth, here is a breakdown by week and month:

At 4 Weeks

4 weeks

At 4 weeks old, a Golden Retriever puppy typically weighs around 6-8 pounds. They are still very small and are just starting to become more active.

At 6 Weeks

6 weeks
6 weeks

By 6 weeks of age, a Golden Retriever puppy’s weight usually ranges from 8-12 pounds. They are becoming more playful and curious at this stage.

By 8 Weeks

8 weeks

At 8 weeks, when most puppies are ready to go to their new homes, a Golden Retriever puppy can weigh between 10-15 pounds. They are growing rapidly and becoming more coordinated.

By  9 Weeks

9 weeks

Around 9 weeks old, a Golden Retriever puppy may weigh 12-17 pounds. They are developing their personalities and starting to learn basic commands.

At 10 Weeks

10 weeks

By 11 weeks, a Golden Retriever puppy might weigh 15-20 pounds. They are becoming more independent and exploring their surroundings.

At 11 Weeks

11 weeks-full grown Mini Golden Retriever

When a Golden Retriever puppy reaches 11-12 weeks, they could weigh between 17-23 pounds. They are getting closer to their adult size but still have some growth.

Golden Retriever Puppy Weight Gain Per Week

As a Golden Retriever puppy owner, I have observed that, on average, a Golden Retriever puppy gains around 2-4 pounds per week during the first few months of its life. This weight gain is crucial for their healthy development and growth. Monitoring their weight gain weekly can help ensure they are growing steadily and healthily, allowing adjustments to be made to their diet if necessary.

Newborn Mini Golden Retriever Weight

Newborn Golden Retriever puppies typically weigh between 10 to 24 ounces at birth. The weight can vary depending on the size of the litter, genetics, and the mother’s health. Monitoring their weight gain in the first few weeks is important to ensure they are healthy and thriving.

Tips For Healthy Puppy Growth Of Mini Golden Retriever:

growth tips

Now that you know much about Mini golden retrievers, let’s delve into some tips for healthy puppy growth.

Proper Nutrition

Ensuring your puppy receives a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for healthy growth. Choose high-quality puppy food specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growing dogs . It’s important to follow the feeding guidelines on the food packaging along with the price chart and consult with your veterinarian to determine the right portion sizes for your puppy’s age, size, and breed.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is essential for promoting healthy growth and development in puppies. Engage your puppy in regular play sessions and walks to help them build strong muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and support their overall well-being. However, avoiding overexerting young puppies is important, as their bones and joints are still developing.

Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary check-ups are vital for monitoring your puppy’s growth and addressing health concerns early on. Your veterinarian can guide you on vaccinations, parasite prevention, dental care, and overall wellness exams to ensure your puppy is growing up healthy and happy.


Proper socialization is key to raising a well-adjusted and confident puppy. Expose your puppy to various environments, people, and other animals from a young age to help them develop good social skills and reduce the risk of behavioral issues later in life. Puppy training classes can also be beneficial for teaching basic obedience commands and building a strong bond with your furry companion.

Adequate Rest

Just like human babies, puppies need plenty of rest to support their growth and development. Provide your puppy with a comfortable and quiet sleeping area to ensure they get the rest they need. A consistent bedtime routine can help promote good sleeping habits in young puppies.


Always ensure your puppy has access to fresh and clean water throughout the day. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining your puppy’s overall health and well-being. Monitor their water intake, especially during hot weather or after vigorous exercise, to prevent dehydration.

Health Risks of Underweight Mini Golden Retrievers

As I mentioned above, maintaining the ideal weight for a Mini Golden Retriever is crucial for their health. However, being underweight can pose several health risks for these beloved companions:

Nutritional Deficiencies

As underweight dogs may not be receiving adequate nutrition, they are at risk of developing nutritional deficiencies. This can lead to weakened immune systems, delayed growth and development, and overall poor health.

Weakness and Fatigue

Underweight Mini Golden Retrievers may lack the necessary muscle mass and energy reserves needed for physical activities. This can result in weakness, fatigue, and decreased stamina, making it difficult for them to engage in normal daily activities.

Susceptibility to Illness

A compromised immune system due to undernourishment leaves underweight Mini Golden Retrievers more susceptible to various illnesses and infections. They may have a harder time fighting off common diseases, making them more prone to sickness and requiring frequent veterinary care.

Health Risks of Overweight Mini Golden Retrievers

Other than being underweight, Mini Golden Retrievers face significant health risks when they are overweight. Here are three health concerns associated with excess weight:

Joint Problems

Carrying excess weight puts added strain on a Mini Golden Retriever’s joints, increasing the risk of conditions such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. Over time, this can lead to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility, significantly impacting their quality of life.

Heart Disease

Obesity in Mini Golden Retrievers can lead to heart problems, including high blood pressure, heart murmurs, and an increased risk of congestive heart failure. The heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout the body, leading to potential cardiovascular issues and reduced lifespan.


Overweight Mini Golden Retrievers are at a higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. This condition can lead to complications such as kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve damage if left untreated, significantly impacting the dog’s health and well-being.


In conclusion, the ideal weight for a full grown Mini Golden Retriever varies depending on age, sex, and activity level. Adult male Mini Golden Retrievers typically weigh between 25-45 pounds with 21-24 inches height, while adult females usually weigh between 55-70 pounds with 21-24 inches height. It is crucial to monitor your Golden Retriever’s weight and adjust their diet and exercise to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being. Consultation with a veterinarian is recommended for personalized guidance on your dog’s weight management needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

The weight of a 2-year-old Golden Retriever is typically around 55-75 pounds.

The ideal weight for a Golden Retriever in kilograms is around 25-34 kg.

A 2-year-old Golden Retriever should eat 2 to 3 cups of high-quality dog food daily.

A Golden Retriever is considered full-grown at around 18 months to 2 years of age.

Golden Retriever weights can vary, but males weigh 65-75 pounds on average, and females weigh 55-65 pounds.

The size of a Golden Retriever puppy depends on genetics, but they generally reach full size between 12-18 months.

Golden Retriever puppies grow rapidly, with the most significant growth occurring in the first 6 months.

Golden Retrievers usually stop growing in height around 12-18 months, but they may continue to fill out until 2 years.

Feed a Golden Retriever puppy a balanced diet with appropriate protein and nutrient levels for optimal growth.

Feed a Golden Retriever puppy 3-4 times a day until 6 months, then transition to twice daily.

Monitor your puppy’s body condition and consult with a vet if concerned about weight.

Provide moderate exercise for a growing Golden Retriever, avoiding excessive strain on developing joints.

A Golden Retriever’s coat reaches full length by 1-2 years of age.

Over-exercising can harm a puppy’s growth, so ensure activities are age-appropriate.

Signs of growth spurts may include increased appetite, clumsiness, and rapid weight gain.

Be cautious about excess weight; consult a vet about puppy fat.

Large paws in a Golden Retriever puppy are normal and proportional to their adult size.

Golden Retrievers may exhibit a ‘teenage’ phase around 6-18 months with increased energy and testing boundaries.

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